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Queensland Retired Police Association Incorporated

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  • 4 Feb 2025 9:11 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Mapoon: the burning of a community

    On 14 November 1963, the Officer-in-Charge of Police at Thursday Island received official instructions from the Director of Native Affairs, Pat Killoran, to remove twenty-three Aboriginal residents from Mapoon to Bamaga. The following day the Island Industries Board launch M.V. Gelam sailed into Port Musgrave with two Queensland Police Force officers, Noel Hughes and Jim O’Shea and several Saibai Islander police, whose instructions were to ‘effect the transfer of the families’ listed in the removal order and an Islander work party who were requested to ‘commence demolition of the vacated shanties on the Reserve’. The leaders of the traditional owners were removed and taken to Red Island Point (now Seisia) to be settled at New Mapoon. Some of their houses at Mapoon were burnt to the ground to prevent their return.

    With the government threatening to close so-called “unviable communities” as part of the intervention in the NT, Mark Gillespie looks at the shameful history of Mapoon—an Aboriginal community declared unviable and burned to the ground forty-five years ago

    On November 15, 1963, an armed detachment of Queensland Police arrived at the Aboriginal community of Mapoon with orders to forcibly remove 23 Aboriginal residents and to “commence demolition of the vacated shanties on the Reserve”.

    That night the police burst into people’s homes and rounded up the occupants. The next day they were hauled off on a barge as their homes and community buildings were burnt to the ground. “Yes, I saw them go up in flames” said Mapoon resident Simon Peter, “From my mother-In- law’s place down they burnt everything…The Church, cookhouse, school, work-shop, butcher shop, store all burnt down. They left the medical store but they took all the medicines”.

    Against the expressed wishes of the Mapoon Aboriginal people, they were forcibly relocated to Bamaga, about to 200km to the north. The burning of Mapoon was the culmination of a vicious campaign to remove the Aboriginal residents. The state Coalition government justified this brutal repression arguing it “was in their own interests and the interest of their children. Mapoon was a hopeless proposition if their children were to succeed as assimilated members of the community”.

    The government’s assimilationist agenda, however, was never about Aboriginal welfare. The biggest deposit of bauxite in the world and the desire to develop an aluminium industry in Queensland was what drove their policy. If Aboriginal people were in the way—then just as in the colonial times—they’d have to be removed.

    Mapoon’s history

    Mapoon was established as a church mission at the mouth of the Batavia River in 1891 on the traditional lands of the Tjungundji people. It was run by Moravian missionaries on behalf of the Presbyterian Church of Australia with some financial support from the Queensland Government. As the influence of the mission spread more traditional owner groups were incorporated into the community. Following the gazetting of Mapoon as an industrial school in 1901, many children, stolen throughout the Gulf country, were brought to Mapoon. South Sea Islanders who’d assisted the missionaries also became part of the community.

    The government established the missions on “Aboriginal reserves” as an alternative to the outright extermination being carried out as the pastoral industry spread north. One local pastoralist, Lachlan Kennedy, had twenty notches on his gun—the number of Aborigines he’d personally shot.

    “At Dingle Creek they killed most of the tribe,” recalled Mapoon resident Jerry Hudson, “…only 50 left out of 300”. The missions were meant to give “protection” to what they declared to be an inferior and “dying race”. The other role of the missions—besides spreading the Christian message—was to provide cheap labour. Mapoon labour was used extensively in the pastoral industry and on the pearling fleets stationed at Thursday Island.

    Working in the pearling industry, however, had disastrous consequences for the Aboriginal workers. Many died from lung complaints or through the exposure to infectious diseases. During 1897, only one third of the 100 young Mapoon men who worked in the industry, survived. Despite knowing the source of these diseases, the missionaries cooperated with the industry to gain revenue for the mission Prison camps. The missions were essentially prison camps. Indigenous people were denied land rights, voting rights, couldn’t leave or return without permission, possess alcohol and they had limited access to the justice system. Authorities had the power to remove children, forbid marriages, censor mail, compel them to work for low wages, withhold wages, control bank accounts, and seize property.

    Stolen wages were used to fund the mission at Mapoon, “… wire fencing was brought out of the boys’ wages…. The boys have also paid for a new pump… Most of the young men go beche-de-mer fishing and earn a few pounds. All their money is put in a common fund…” Aboriginal labour also built the mission, “The hours of work are four in the morning and four in the evening, and the men work well and steady. All the timber is sawn and dressed by the blacks… The soil of the garden has all been made by seaweed manure, carried from the beach with incredible labour.”

    Everybody worked at Mapoon, even the children, “The 3 1/2 acre ‘school garden’… made and tended by the school children after lesson-hours, keeps them in fruit and vegetables…”


    The Aboriginal people survived measles, tuberculosis and hookworm, to build homes and a community. The meagre supplies they received from the mission store was supplemented with traditional food. The Mapoon people managed to pass on their culture in spite of deliberate attempts to destroy it.

    Rachel Peter explained her attachment for Mapoon, “I was born here, my father was born here, my mother, my great grandparents. This is our tribal land…I hope we will never leave this place. …there’s plenty of everything for us to eat… pigs, wallabies, kangaroo, oysters and crab, fish, prawns, arrowroot, wild yams and a lot of other things that we were taught to eat by our grandparents and our fathers and mothers.” The wishes of the Aboriginal people, however, weren’t even a consideration when Church and government officials decided in 1954 to close the mission. They weren’t even consulted.

    The initial impetus to close Mapoon was a desire by the then Labor government to cut costs. “No further aid would be forthcoming” unless Mapoon became “more self- supporting”, the Church was told. Alternative ways to earn income were considered, but once the vast deposits of bauxite had been discovered, these plans were completely shelved.

    Nearly 8000 square kilometres of Aboriginal Reserve land was given to Comalco with the passing of the 1957 Comalco Act. The only condition was to establish an alumina refinery in Queensland within five to seven years. Royalties and rent paid to the government were severely discounted and there was no compensation at all for Aboriginal people. In fact, the Act didn’t even mention the existence of Aboriginal people. ‘Assimilation’ at Weipa

    Assimilation was official government policy at the time. Similar arguments are being made today about Northern Territory communities, so it is worth looking at the experience of Weipa where some of the people from Mapoon were forced to relocate.

    Like Mapoon, Weipa was an Aboriginal community that lost their land to the mining companies. Compensation wasn’t necessary, they were told, because the company would provide jobs and houses and “an opportunity for these people to assimilate, to live as human being should”.

    But the company had other ideas and tried to relocate the Weipa mission. (It was considered best if they didn’t mix with the white workforce.)

    The Weipa mission survived because its removal would have exposed the ugly truth behind the government’s assimilationist policies. But the jobs, housing and opportunity never developed. to totally “discharge their obligations” to the Weipa people, the company spent a grand total of 150,000 pounds on housing. This amounted to less than 3000 pounds per house. At the same time the company was spending 14,000 pounds per house for its white workforce. The Aboriginal houses had no stoves, handbasins, sinks, plumbing, external laundries or toilets.

    The Aboriginal people, too, were led to believe that would own their homes. In fact, they were forced to rent from the government and didn’t even own the small piece of land they were built on.

    While the company provided electricity to the white community, the Aboriginal community had to wait another eight years. While the streets in the white community were sealed, in the Aboriginal community they were dirt.

    In 1974 Comalco employed only 24 Aboriginal people on a permanent basis out of an available workforce of 131. Aboriginal people also had the worst jobs. A 1967 report found that out of the 20 Aboriginal people employed by the mine, only four had jobs with any level of skill.

    Another promise made to Aboriginal people in 1957 was that the company would “build a trade school”. As late as 1975 no trade school existed and people were told it was “only a suggestion”. If this wasn’t enough, in 1963 Comalco made an application to the Arbitration court to pay “non-integrated Aborigines” the legal minimum wage, which was half the average white Worker’s wage at Weipa.

    Rather than jobs, housing and opportunity, what they got was an apartheid style slum. Mathew Cooktown, a Mapoon resident, described his experience at living in Weipa, “My family and myself have been very unhappy since we arrived here.  “This is not our country. At Mapoon we could catch fish, turtle, duck, geese, wild pig. We could grow fruits and vegetables. Here at Weipa we must go a long way to hunt and fish and we may dig yams only when the Weipa people will permit us. We have no country that is our own…There are many quarrels and arguments.”

    Hidden Valley (New Mapoon), a new mission built for the Mapoon people outside of Bamaga, was no better. A promise that “excellent water will be available for domestic and gardening purposes” amounted to water “piped into rusty drums standing on the front of each house”. The housing at Hidden Valley was shoddy. “They were just put up roughly for us and talk about leaks!” said Robert Reid. “Well, it was just a roof over our head, some with two rooms and some with three rooms but they haven’t got any doors, like to close the rooms with. We had no privacy…” said Victoria Luff.

    The viability of Mapoon

    The Church argued that Mapoon should be closed because it was not economically viable, it was run down, lacked good soil or a good water supply, was inaccessible, suffered from a hookworm infestation and had no income potential. The Mapoon people, however, strongly disputed these claims. While the soil was unsuitable for large scale agriculture, it was suitable for the yams, sweet potatoes, melons, coconuts and similar foods that people grew, while the land nearby was “good grazing land” according to a Cairns based stock inspector.

    The older people said there had never been a shortage of water. In any case there was no attempt to drill for water at Mapoon.

    Mapoon had a harbour and an airstrip and was just as accessible by road as Weipa. The buildings were dilapidated only because the Church had deliberately diverted funds away from the community.

    The hookworm infestation —introduced by Europeans—was a problem but mainly because of the wrong initial decision to site the mission in a sand pit. The suggestion by the Mapoon people to re-situate the mission nearby to the Batavia outstation where the water supply and soil was better, was completely ignored.

    The Church themselves saw the potential to develop the fishing and cattle industry at Mapoon and as late as 1958 were considering investing in cold rooms and a vehicle. These plans, however, were abruptly shelved once the Comalco Act was passed. The Church, reliant on the government for funding for its other missions, wasn’t about to rock the boat.


    The Aboriginal people of Mapoon resisted relocation to Hidden Valley. The Church threatened them, saying the store, transport, radio, medical facilities, school would be closed leaving the people destitute and that the government would then take their children because of neglect. But the people weren’t deterred. “Some will stay to the bitter end,” reported one missionary.

    In spite of assurances from the Church and the government that they were “leaving the decision with the people”, this was never the case. Increasingly the Church began using the powers conferred on it by the racist Queensland Act to break the resistance. Frank Green, a sympathetic missionary was sacked while the highly authoritarian Garth Filmer and his wife ran Mapoon like they were the “King and Queen”. They provoked a strike amongst the domestic staff after the girls had their hair hacked off. The missionaries then tried to break the strike by depriving the girls of rations and sacking all their working relatives.

    When one of the girls left Mapoon to go to Thursday Island for treatment for tuberculosis, Filmer wrote to the Department of Native Affairs requesting that she not be allowed to return, that “her presence creates disciplinary problems”. Separating families was another tactic used to get the people to move to Hidden Valley. Jean Jenny recalls:

    “He [Filmer] was the one who stirred up everything, shifting people to punish them, to put them in Hidden Valley. They sent them out. Maybe a wife goes to hospital on Thursday Island to have a baby, but she isn’t allowed to return…they have to go to Hidden Valley.”

    Petitions and letters from the Aboriginal people were ignored. When an elder “asked permission to go to Cairns to see the Aborigines Advancement League… I of course declined,” reported one missionary.

    By the time the Church finally pulled out of Mapoon in July 1963, about 70 Aboriginal people still remained. They survived through a combination of bush tucker, small scale farming and the sale of crocodile skins. The government expected their resistance would soon collapse, particularly now that the Flying Doctor was no longer servicing the mission and the supply boats from Bamaga were going straight past and no longer replenishing the store. The Mapoon store ran out of food on the 8 November 1963, but the Mapoon people got resourceful. They sent their own dingy to Weipa, and with help from the people there, brought back supplies.

    This resourcefulness proved too much for authorities. The order was given to “effect the transfer of the families.” The fight continues Some families remained after the burning but continuing hardships finally forced them out. But the fight for their land continued at Hidden Valley. Jean Jimmy travelled to Canberra in 1964 and spoke at the annual conference of the Federal Council for the Advancement of Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders (FCAATSI) about their plight. To get there she raised money by hunting and selling crocodile skins. This was at a time when there was growing awareness in the wider community about land rights issues and FCAATSI took up the struggle.

    Inspired by the rising land rights movement, a number of families moved back to Mapoon in the early 70s. They were joined by more families and gradually a community was rebuilt and finally received official recognition under a “Deed of Grant in Trust” in 2001. But like Aboriginal people everywhere, the people of Mapoon are still waiting for justice—for land rights, for security and for compensation for past wrongs.

    History never repeats itself precisely but the racist ideology that underpinned the dispossession and the burning of Mapoon lives on in the assimilationist policies inflicted on prescribed Aboriginal communities under the Northern Territory intervention.

    Regards Merv

  • 24 Jan 2025 9:03 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Darling Downs Retired Police Memorial Wall

    Standing pride of place in the Toowoomba and Drayton Lawn Cemetery is the Darling Downs Retired Police Memorial Wall which is affixed with some 35 plaques bearing the names of former police officers thereon. It is a fine wall, the first of its kind in the State and a fitting reminder of those police officers who have joined the police station in the sky.

    How did the Wall come about? After the Police Remembrance Day service in 2005 one of our police widows came up with the idea of our own memorial. This followed the QPS setting up a memorial post in front of the police station in Neil Street.

    At that time I was working in the local Council and had a great relationship with many of the local staff including those at the local cemetery. They came up with the idea of using a wall at the front of the grounds.

    As the then Secretary/Treasurer of the Darling Downs Branch, I sent out letters to the widows and family of our deceased members telling them what we were proposing and the anticipated costs. We decided on the following words to be placed on each plaque which measures 10cm by Bern The Police Badge. (Next line) registered number. (Next line) Rank then name. (Next line) Date of service and if a member of the R.PA. then this would be placed after the date of retirement.

    The Council set about fixing up the wall with a concrete forecourt and raised brick garden beds. The staff ordered the many bronze plaques and placed them on the wall which measures some 1.6m by 1m.

    I obtained a large stainless steel name plate to commemorate the official opening. This plate bears the following: This memorial stands as a tribute to those members of the QUEENSLAND POLICE SERVICE AND QUEENSLAND RETIRED POLICE ASSOCIATION WHO HAVE GIVEN SERVICE TO THE COMMUNITY. MAY WE BUILD UPON THE FOUNDATION OF THEIR DEDICATION, INTEGRITYAND COMMITMENT TO JUSTICE.

    The opening time and date were set: 10.00 am on 28 August 201O and the then local Mayor, Mr Paul Antonio, was asked to officially open the Wall which he did.

    The name plate was blessed by the priest and affixed to the wall. It has a large copy of the QPS badge underneath.

    The Branch has decided that relatives of former police officers who were not members of the QRPA can apply to the Branch to have their names affixed to the wall at the cost of the relatives. Two such names, one being William Weise, late father of the current President of our Branch, Kev Weise, have been placed on the Wall.

    Graham Hohenhaus, Vice President.

  • 7 Dec 2024 8:24 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

     Birth of the Offence - Carrying a bladed weapon in a public place without lawful excuse –

    updated 11 August 2010 – by former Assistant Commissioner Greg Early

    It was probably 1996 when Superintendent Jack Richard, who then commanded City Division, which is the largest in the state, approached me one morning with the remark 'Boss, we have to do something about these bastards carrying bladed weapons in the mall'. When following up with him about his remark he mentioned that his then-Juvenile Aid Bureau (JAB) was constantly speaking to young people in the mall—many of Asian descent—and that they were finding that they were carrying bladed weapons—some up in the meat cleaver category.

    Jack offered to arrange a demonstration for me of the weapons 'seized' so far. This he did rather quickly because of the interest I had displayed in his remarks. Soon after, Detective Sergeant Dave Moore (another Dave Moore), then-officer in charge of the City JAB, arrived in my office and quickly threw out on the carpet a sheet of plastic which had had pockets made on it.

    From memory these pockets contained about twenty bladed weapons of various forms. They were all capable of doing massive injury and some were, in fact, meat cleavers. Dave could explain very quickly who had possessed the weapons and also the circumstances under which they were seized.

    Again, from memory, I think I raised some correspondence to the Commissioner's Office about this problem because at that time, the only offence was to have possession of a bladed weapon eighty millimetres or more in length in a night club. (I later became aware of the reason for the eighty millimetres and that was when the proposed amendment was being discussed by coalition members of Parliament, then in government, a member's pocket-knife measured seventy-nine millimetres and that was why it was made an offence of eighty millimetres or more.)

    Soon after I was sitting beside then-Minister for Police, Russell Cooper, at a function in the Queen Street Mall and I mentioned that there was a need to do something about this problem. I offered to arrange a demonstration of the weapons seen by me and he agreed. Some time elapsed but the demonstration was not requested.

    One day subsequently, however, the full Senior Executive Conference met the Police Union Executive in the presence of the Minister for Police. Then-Deputy Commissioner Bill Aldrich knew of my attempt to get something done and he asked me to arrange a demonstration of the weapons at this meeting, which I did. Before the demonstration commenced, Russell Cooper called out to me 'Greg I haven't forgotten the visit to Parliament House. See Frank and arrange it'. (Frank was former Assistant Commissioner Frank O'Gorman who then worked for the Minister.)

    Needless to say, I saw Frank and the demonstration was arranged for a joint party meeting (a meeting of all Liberal and National Party Members and chaired by then-Premier, Rob Borbidge). Commissioner Jim O'Sullivan and I spoke first and then Dave put on his display which was quite impressive. Several members spoke for and against the amendment sought.

    Two members (who are no longer in parliament) spoke against it quite vigorously and mentioned the onus which would be placed on a citizen to prove that he had a knife lawfully; also the possibility of zealous police officers accosting farmers and electricians who happened to be walking through a public place with a knife on their belt. (I had picked up that it was doubtful if the amendment sought would go through because there had been a tendency to go away from putting the onus of proof on the defendant like say the now-repealed Vagrants, Gaming and Other Offences Act had done for many years.) One of these two was the fellow with the seventy-nine millimetre knife mentioned previously and the other had had an experience in a western town—the base of his electorate—of a former traffic officer becoming over zealous and issuing numerous tickets for seat-belt offences.

    We were given so much time with the members and we then left and waited outside with representatives of the media who obviously had been summoned to hear of the progress on the amendment. We waited and waited and eventually one member who came outside for some reason told us that the debate was quite heated about the subject. When the Minister (Russell Cooper) eventually came out, he said that four of his colleagues had problems with the amendment but that he was confident that given time he would be able to get it through. He spoke to the media in moderated tones to what had been expected.

    My recollection is that at this time the government had a majority of one on the occasions when an Independent Member voted with it. Also I believe that this member used to be ‘sounded out’ on proposed amendments and that if he or she was not in favour of the amendments, they would not be introduced.

    Soon after this meeting I spoke to then-Opposition Spokesman for Police, Tom Barton (later to become Police Minister in the Labour Government) on a plane going to Townsville and he mentioned that he personally supported such an amendment.

    Some time later I became aware that the amendment had been made and I was quite pleased to learn of that happening.

    For many years now I have thought about finding out how the amendment got through Parliament and whether the Opposition at the time voted in favour of it. In 2010 I got hold of some Hansard extracts and now trace the amendment:

     On 5 March 1998 the Honourable Russell Cooper, Minister for Police and Corrective Services and Minister for Racing, moved that leave be granted to bring in a Bill for an Act to amend a number of Acts affecting the powers and responsibilities of police officers and for other purposes. The motion was agreed to and the Bill and Explanatory Notes presented and Bill were read a first time. (The Bill became the Police and Other Legislation (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1998).

     The Minister then moved that the Bill be read a second time. He then spoke at length in support of the Bill. Part 6 of the Bill made various amendments to the Weapons Act 1990. In the explanatory notes mention is made of section 51 (Possession of a knife in night clubs) ‘being omitted and replaced by a new section that better reflects community and police concerns over the increasing use of knives to commit offences’. The notes continued: ‘The section provides police officers with authority to prosecute a person who is in possession, or carrying, a knife in a public place without reasonable excuse. This is achieved by defining the term ‘knife’ and includes a reasonable excuse section which contains examples which are not meant to be definitive. Issues to have regard to when considering what is a reasonable excuse are also identified. The section also provides that the possession or carriage of a knife for self defence is not a reasonable excuse’.

     During the Minister’s address to Parliament he said that the very important section ‘has been developed in response to a very serious problem in our community – that is, the carrying of knives in a public place with the intention of using them to cause fear or harm. This Bill seeks to address this very worrying trend through the creation of a new offence in section 51 of unlawfully having possession of a knife in a public place’.

     He also said that ‘police are currently powerless to remove weapons such as machetes and stilettos from people gathered in public places who clearly intend to cause trouble. This legislation is a long overdue move to give police the powers they need to prevent knife-related offences before they happen’.

     On 17 March 1998 the Honourable Tom Barton, who was then spokesperson for Police, Corrective Services and Racing and later became Minister for Police, etc, addressed Parliament in relation to clause 31 in the Bill which related to the new section 51 in the Weapons Act. He said ‘I turn to clause 31 which relates to possession of a knife in a public place. The Opposition supports this amendment. ... the collection of confiscated knives of the Police Service is, quite frankly, frightening. Machetes, flick knives and even sharpened screwdrivers can be dangerous weapons.’

     The Police and Other Legislation (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1998 was assented to on 26 March 1998.

    This is an example of working police speaking up so that their senior officers can take matters forward with a view to amendments being made to the law for the good of the community. Also, it is worthy of mention that the amendment did not occur over night. It took many months and several reminders to headquarters, some of which were not always welcomed. But persistence paid off and the rest is part of history.

    While I was told in the early stages of seeking this amendment that there was little chance of the onus of proof being shifted to a defendant, it is ironical that it got through, in effect, in the manner which we intended in the first place. Since this amendment was made, I have seen adverse publicity about the carrying of bladed weapons in public places but have taken a thankful sigh of relief that when able to I listened to two of my loyal and effective officers  and did something about an out-of-hand situation.

    Superintendent Jack Richard was an excellent all-round police officer. He always had a good rapport with all of his troops and was renowned for speaking up on their behalf. I trust that he is enjoying his well-deserved retirement. He can rest easy with my feeling of him and that is that he was always a ‘copper's copper’.

  • 12 Oct 2024 8:51 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    This story was authored by former Ipswich Detective Darren Prickett


  • 2 May 2024 3:20 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Wall to Wall is an annual event to raise funds for QLD POLICE LEGACY. This article is to, not only encourage participation, but to seek donations  for a most worthwhile cause from those who can't ride or drive to attend.

    WALL to WALL RIDE 2020

    I have always been a strong supporter of Police Legacy and over the years attended many functions, mostly lawn bowls and golf competitions, to raise funds for that purpose, but more so since our daughter-in-law, Karen Stevens, a former police officer, died 2012 as a result of  brain tumours, leaving our Police Officer son with two high school student sons. At the onset of her illness, Karen was a casual employee at a doctor’s surgery, so not only did our son and grandsons lose a wife and mother, but also a third of the family’s income. The boys were attending a private school at the time and the financial assistance provided through Police Legacy was of enormous assistance mentally, was well as financially.

    My first association with the WALL to WALL ride was in September 2017, nearly four months after Senior Constable Brett Forte, of the Darling Downs District Tactical Crime Squad, was killed by notorious wanted criminal, Rick Maddinson, north of Helidon on 29 May 2017. I bought a motorcycle so I could take part.

    The Queensland contingent for this ride gathered at Picnic Point, Toowoomba, on 13 September. It was a great spectacle on a sad occasion when Commissioner Ian Stewart, in the presence of Brett’s widow, Senior Constable Susan Forte, presented the baton containing Brett’s details and circumstances of his death, to the lead police motorcycle group for escort to the National Police Memorial Wall, Canberra. The gathering was also attended by retired officer, John KV O’Gorman, who instigated this memorial fundraiser in 2010.

    The group overnighted in Byron Bay that first night, Port Macquarie on the 2nd night and Sydney on the third night. I attended at The Domain Sydney, at 0800hrs next morning and, although expected, was pleasantly surprised to see so many motorcycles supporting this great event. The attendance had swelled to close to 2,000. Every road through the Domain was covered with motorcycles. The contingent left at 0830hrs and had a slow trip to the NSW Police Academy, Goulburn, for early lunch, then continued on to EPIC (Exposition Park in Canberra), where all riders, now well over 2,000 from all over Australia, were briefed, then assembled four wide on the southbound lanes of the Federal Highway.

    Led by all the States Commissioners, we made the half hour ride to the National Wall of Remembrance where an emotional ceremony took place, including the perpetual dedication of Brett Forte, whose name now appears on the Wall.

    I again made the ride, with my wife as pillion rider, in 2018. This time the assembly point for Queensland riders was the Oxley Police Academy, on 12 September, with overnights at Ballina, Port Macquarie and Sydney, followed by a familiar routine as per the previous year. By the time we assembled at EPIC there were even more riders than 2017. This dedication is best remembered for the death of Victorian Senior Sergeant Victor Kostiuk, who was killed at Orbost VIC, during his ride from Melbourne to the Memorial, when a drunk and drugged driver veered onto the incorrect side of the road at high speed. The death was witnessed by his Police officer son, who was riding with him.

    I fully intended to do the ride again in 2019, and every year as long as I could competently ride a motorcycle but fate had something else in store for me. On 1 March 2019, I was riding leisurely at 90kp/h, in the right lane along the Warrego Highway near Minden, overtaking a small truck travelling in the left lane, when it suddenly swerved into the right lane to overtake a large truck, clipping my bike catapulting me into the central concrete barrier, writing off the motorcycle and almost writing me off in the process. I was lucky, smashed up, but lucky to survive. Sadly I will not be riding in the Wall to Wall again, but there is no reason why I can’t do the same driving a car.

    In the last nine years more than one million dollars has been raised by the Wall to Wall rides. The funds raised have been distributed to the States Police Legacies as selected by the donor when registering.

    Registrations for 2020 Wall to Wall Ride for Queenslanders starting 9/9/2020, are now open. Donation $85 per rider and $85 per pillion passenger, or become a sponsor and / or donor.

    On 12/09/2020, 63,000 police officers across the country reflect on the job that we do. We are sad and devastated in our hearts for our Police Brothers and Sisters that died during the year, including the four officers killed in Victoria in that tragic accident. Thoughts and prayers for the families, colleagues & friends of our officers. But Police will still be out there on the street, just with a heavy heart.

  • 2 May 2024 3:16 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    I always wanted to join a Pistol club but thought the expense beyond me.  In 1996 my then 20 year old son Andrew arrived home one Friday afternoon and stated he had put the down payment on a Springfield 1911 45 calibre semi-auto pistol.  I was gob-smacked He then stated that he was going out to the Sporting Shooters Association of Australia (SSAA), Ipswich Branch at Ripley the following day to participate in a pistol competition.  I was already a member of SSAA – Rifle only.

    I thought I better go with him to make sure these guys were decent folk.  On arrival I discovered that most of the shooters were of various ages and they welcomed both of us with open arms.  I was there to observe, but they offered me the chance to also shoot in the various shoots, .22 Rimfire, Revolver and Semi-automatic pistol shoots that day.  I thought hard and quickly and decided to have a go.  They gave us the use of their own pistols and revolvers and some ammo.

    Talking to them I discovered that some were RAAF personnel, both serving and retired and many other professions.  Pool Builders, Plumbers, Mechanics/Technicians, Retirees, and many more.  I saw that after each shoot everyone jumped in to pick up spent shells together and there was nothing but cooperation and comradeship going on there, plus a lot of jokes with people getting the mickey taken out of them in a fun sort of way.   They all pitched in to keep the events going.  So, I signed up as well.  Yes, I had to go through the Safety Courses, Holster Courses and other processes and we have been shooting at the pistol range ever since.

    Over the years everyone shared information and helped newer shooters into the sport. I also help people through.  I am now a Shoot Captain, have been for over ten years, and run the IPSC Competition on the 3rd Saturday night of months February to November.  We have a club break-up shoot in December and start again in February the next year.  I am a Range Officer for both the Rifle and Pistol Ranges for SSAA.  This group helped me deal with the void felt when I retired.

    I now own a .357 magnum Smith & Wesson Performance Centre 8 shot Revolver, a Tanfoglio Match Le 9mm Semi- Automatic Pistol, and 2 x Ruger .22 Semi-Automatic pistols all with Red-Dot sights.  My son has a Ruger GP100 6 shot Revolver and a Tanfoglio 9mm Semi-Automatic pistol.  For those who do not have firearms, the Club have a Glock 9mm Semi-Auto Pistol, a few 6 shot Revolvers, and likewise a few .22 Ruger pistols which can be hired for $5 each per competition.  I often loan mine to new shooters.  Also, I never used ‘Red Dot’ sights on my centrefire Revolver or Pistol until 2 years after I retired as I did not want it to interfere with my work Glock. 

    At one stage I had a Weapon’s Licensing Exemption to use my work Glock at the range as did other police, but when they restricted us in about 2004 to lower calibres 9mm and .358, I was unable to use the 40 calibre Glock lawfully at the range, even for practise – not a wise decision by the QPS I believed at the time as police without doubt need more than just 2 training sessions a year.  Our 76 year old member could put on a good display.  He was winning events using his revolver in a semi-automatic shoot against younger members.  He put on a display once in front of a Police Training Officer who was gob-smacked.  Granted Mick was only about 70 then.  Mick had put down all 10 targets before the Officer could fire the first 2 shots.  Good training for police.

    I load my own ammunition except the .22 Rimfire of course, and I also melt my own hardened lead-alloy and mould my own projectiles for the pistol and revolver, sizing and lubing them with my own concoction so they don’t leave lots of lead in the barrels.  Actually, I do my son’s as well, something fathers do of course.   This brings the price of shooting right down.  Discovering the correct gun powderand load considering bullet weight that provides the best outcome is just as satisfying.                                                                                                                                                                             

    What my son’s announcement in 1996 has done, is to provide something we can do together forever for which I am truly thankful.

    There are Club Fees e.g. SSAA Membership Yearly taken from the day of joining, and in June of each year we have a $40 Pistol Club Membership Fee.  Range Fee for each visit is $10 members and $15 guests, however you can buy a yearly pass which I do for $140 which allows me to shoot everyday the club is open if I wished.  In my IPSC shoot there is a $2.50 fee for each category shot, e.g. Rimfire, Revolver and Auto-Centrefire which pays for targets.  Compared to Golf Clubs and other memberships, this is relatively cheap.

    I commenced shooting the IPSC competition because it mostly aligned with Police Duties.  If you go to this hyperlink  it will give you some idea of what we do.  It is a movement, run or walk, down the field shooting targets as we go.  The hyperlink is action at a SSAA Club, not mine. 

    I remember on one occasion I was completing my police qualifying shoot at Ripley Range and of course you do it in turn.  I came back to a group of young female and male officers and said, “Well, I qualified.”  One of the young ladies then said, “Yes Sir, but you’re a legend.”  I nearly fell over, wasn’t quite sure if she was being kind, or having a go at me.  Anyway, I took it in good light and it is a fond memory.  Little comments like that remain with you forever.

    Now, I must confess that I am not as flash as the guys in the clip above, especially the young fellow.  We have 76 year olds who shoot it and yes, people with new knees and hip joints.  Only one shooter shoots at a time and you have a time keeper with you.  Beginners by law, have a Range Officer or appointed person with them to guide them through.   A, B & C grades are run for trophies.  I used to be in A Grade, but 2019 saw me get 1 trophy in each grade.  When it takes me 34 seconds to run a 26 shot round course, we have young fellas who can do it in 22 seconds.  A couple 20 year old brothers and friends now come and they are getting more used to us, and I have nick named them Flash, Flasher & Flashest.  Another brother arrived on the scene and I am still trying to come up with a name for him.  They thrive on it.

    It is my intention to slowly build each shooter up to do any job on the Range in my shoot so that there will be plenty of young people putting their hands up when I can no longer do it.  They are keen to learn, some need a shove at first, but then keep volunteering.  Most Shoot Captains have one Deputy, I have three to ensure a good safe shoot.

    By the way, it is against Club Rules to use any target that is shaped remotely like a human being.  It is also illegal to wear more than 1 part of clothing, camouflage shirt or pants to the range.

    We run a Junior, Women’s and Men’s Category for the event.

    SSAA Membership per year is:          

    • Adult & Over 18 years with Monthly Magazine  $93 ;
    • Pensioners get a discount;
    • Optional $35 Insurance Premium to cover all firearms wherever;
    • Additional family member without magazine $70;
    • Junior Member is $27; and
    • You have the option of purchasing multiple years of membership with discounts.


    I hope you found this interesting.

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